air transport management
Uber Elevate is Rising to the Challenge
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:54:15+01:0020/09/2019|Tags: air transport, air transport industry, air transport management, air transport management msc, transport, transport systems, uber|
By Yani Asmayawati Professor Iain Gray and I recently attended the 3rd Annual Uber Elevate Summit in Washington DC. We were two of the 1,500 attendees from 31 countries representing a very diverse audience from government ...
Managing air transport through times of uncertainty and change: what’s new?
Dr Thomas Budd2017-10-20T16:31:53+01:0020/10/2017|Tags: air transport, air transport management, aircraft, airport, aviation, common aviation area, eu, monarch, ryanair, united airlines|
As we head towards the end of 2017, the air transport industry can start to look back on another year characterised by change and uncertainty. While some of these problems were undoubtedly self-inflicted, including United ...