Highlights for the past three weeks & Bowling game
Chang Song2015-11-04T07:33:23+00:0004/11/2015|Tags: “Cranfield”, Bowling, LSCMers, student life|
Hello again from Chang 😉 Cannot believe we are already in week 5 :-O There’s so much going on every week. Here are a few highlights from the past three weeks: Warehouse/factory visits (covered by ...
Golden Class Photo Day
Ning Wu2015-11-01T22:31:06+00:0001/11/2015|
The day(30,Oct)after the SCSS Poster Exhibition, the whole Red and Yellow Stream were arranged to take a big class photo ever since their enrollment.All were required in business dress,so they were having much fun to ...
Poster session
Denyse Julien2015-10-29T15:00:12+00:0029/10/2015|
what a great, high energy event. The students have all done an amazing job with their posters covering a range of challenges for today's supply chains; such as servitisation, omni channels, humanitarian logistics, collaboration and ...
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Workshop
Chawin Thanasakkosol2015-10-27T21:48:58+00:0027/10/2015|
Hello everyone, my name is Chawin Thanasakkosol. You can call me “A” if you want. I’m one of Communication Representatives in Red Stream for the 2015/2016 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain ...