Poster session
Denyse Julien2015-10-29T15:00:12+00:0029/10/2015|
what a great, high energy event. The students have all done an amazing job with their posters covering a range of challenges for today's supply chains; such as servitisation, omni channels, humanitarian logistics, collaboration and ...
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Workshop
Chawin Thanasakkosol2015-10-27T21:48:58+00:0027/10/2015|
Hello everyone, my name is Chawin Thanasakkosol. You can call me “A” if you want. I’m one of Communication Representatives in Red Stream for the 2015/2016 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain ...
Our First Field Trip: Argos’ National Distribution Centre
Hathaichanok Wanichodom2015-10-20T14:26:11+01:0020/10/2015|
Hi everyone, my name is Hathaichanok Wanichodom, and you can just called me Nok if that’s easier for you! I’m one of the Communication Reps in the red stream for the MSc in Logistics and ...
First Field Trip of LSCMers To River Island Magna Park Distribution Center
Ning Wu2015-10-15T21:45:14+01:0015/10/2015|Tags: Field Trip|
Hello Everyone!This is Ning Wu(Winnie). I am one of the Communication Representatives from the Yellow Stream for the 2015/16 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management(LSCM) programme in Cranfield University School of Management(SOM). I'd ...
Alexander’s 1st post…..
Alexander Milionis2015-10-15T21:42:11+01:0015/10/2015|
It’s my turn to introduce myself!!!! My name is Alexander Milionis and I am also one of the Communication Representatives for the Yellow Stream for the 2015/16 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme. ...
Chang’s first blog post as an MSc student in LSCM @ Cranfield Uni
Chang Song2015-10-13T22:43:56+01:0013/10/2015|Tags: “Cranfield”, LSCMers, student life, studying hard, team building|
Hello everyone, my name is Chang Song. I am the Communications Representative for the Red Stream for the 2015/16 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme here in Cranfield University School of Management. ...