Manufacturing and Materials
Sustainable manufacturing and the factories of the future: small, smart and social?
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:02:00+01:0021/03/2016|Tags: coca cola enterprises, cranfield university, factories of the future, future factory, manufacturing, personalised manufacturing, sustainability, sustainable manufacturing|
The future of factories is small, smart and social. We’ve come to assume that efficiency in manufacturing is the result of economies of scale from large, centralised operations, speed and standardisation. But a combination of new ...
Make smart connected products better for our future circular economy
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:52:05+01:0010/02/2016|Tags: c4d, circular economy, cisco, connected products, design, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, hackathon, Phillips, product design, smart technology, sustainability, waste|
Do you have ideas to help make the things we use work better for us and help the environment? Could you make them a reality with the help of an international team located on three ...
Reviving UK manufacturing – is cross-sector collaboration the answer?
Professor Rajkumar2016-01-11T15:30:17+00:0011/01/2016|Tags: british manufacturing, cross sector collaboration, productivity, quarterly economic survey, reviving uk manufacturing, uk industry, uk manufacturing|
The British Chambers of Commerce’s Quarterly Economic Survey for Q4 2015, published last week, calls the UK manufacturing sector “close to stagnation” after domestic and export sales and order balances fell below their (2007) pre-recession levels. ...