Life on campus
Cranfield is going bee crazy!
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:22:35+01:0024/06/2016|Tags: bees, biodiversity, campus environment, cranfield green, energy, environment, habitats, sustainability, wildlife|
The Board for Energy and Environment (BEE for short) was established in 2011 as a subcommittee of the Executive to oversee energy and environmental strategy for the University. It turns out to have been aptly ...
Malta Study Tour 2016
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:24:44+01:0029/04/2016|Tags: CranfieldSOM, Malta, study tour|
Merhba (welcome) to our Malta study tour blog! Reading through the other study tour blogs it seems that everyone had a great experience, but we must say Malta was the best! Tuesday 19th April 2016 The ...
Our first futsal game & CalAid hands-on experience
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:55:37+01:0022/02/2016|Tags: calaid, work experience|
Hi all! Sorry for this late post. It should’ve been last week but I was waiting for our CalAid activity on Sunday before posting this! Ok, let’s get started. Like I mentioned before, each of ...
Second term updates from the LSCM MSc students
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:45:30+01:0030/01/2016|
Hello there, how have you been doing? It's been ages since I last got to talk to you! Hope you guys enjoyed your Christmas and New Year 🙂 Alright, let's get started with this year’s ...