School of Management
Is it time to “call time” on talking sustainability?
Dominic Simms2022-09-15T16:25:28+01:0015/09/2022|Tags: “Cranfield”, cranfield school of management, cranfield university, environment, management, school of management, sustainability, Sustainability MSc, sustainable, sustainable development, sustainable development goals|
Let me paint you a picture. You’re in the pub and you ask people around you what ‘sustainability’ means to them. It depends on the crowd, but you’d probably be met a combination of with ...
What producing a carbon footprint from scratch has taught me: Perfection shouldn’t be the enemy of the good, but the devil’s in the detail!
Lina Mitchell2022-09-08T11:05:51+01:0030/08/2022|Tags: environment, sustainability, Sustainability MSc, sustainable business|
My five-year-old often asks me – “Daddy, what do you do when you go to work?” – quickly followed by musings about whether I’m stronger than his friend Max’s Daddy, who arrests ‘baddies’ and if ...
EU-Startups Summit in Barcelona
Hayley Rook2022-08-18T10:27:44+01:0020/07/2022|Tags: bettany centre, entrepreneur, EU-Startups Summit, Management and Entrepreneurship MSc, startup|
Sophia Wang, Management and Entrepreneurship MSc, shares her experience of the EU-Startups Summit 2022, in Barcelona. I was impressed by the sheer size of the event and the breadth of topics on start-ups. The ...
“The EU-Startups Summit was truly exceptional”
Hayley Rook2022-07-27T11:00:50+01:0013/07/2022|Tags: cranfield bettany centre, cranfield school of management, entrepreneurship, EU-Startups Summit, Management and Entrepreneurship MSc|
I attended the EU-Startups Summit in Barcelona, a trip sponsored by the Master’s in Management and Entrepreneurship programme at Cranfield School of Management. After finishing our taught module, the trip came as a hands-on ...
NatWest Climate Hackathon 2022 –Winners experiences
Tiffany Trethowan2022-06-27T15:18:51+01:0022/06/2022|Tags: entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainability|
Daniel Rogers – ‘They say there is no “I” in “team”’ They say there is no I in team, but I feel there should always be a Bish, Ani, Nishant, and Mohit! Taking on the ...
“I need help with my business idea!”
Tiffany Trethowan2022-06-27T15:15:49+01:0016/06/2022|Tags: business, entrepreneurship, mentoring, startup|
“Are entrepreneurs born or made?” is a question that has been asked across the ages and around the world. Since the dawn of civilization and commerce, the entrepreneurial spirit has propelled individuals, businesses, and economies ...