Exploring the Skies: My Journey at Cranfield University
Alice Kirkaldy2024-08-28T15:41:25+01:0028/08/2024|Tags: aerospace vehicle design msc, student experience, student flight|
When it came to choosing where to further my education, Cranfield University was the obvious choice—especially for someone as passionate about aerospace as I am. Cranfield's global reputation in the field ...
A celebration of life and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Violeta da Rold2024-08-08T12:09:43+01:0008/08/2024|
On Friday 28 June 2024, our Aerospace Integration Research Centre (AIRC) held a special afternoon event in memory of Stephen Billett, a cherished alumnus of the very first cohort of our MSc in ...
David Falcó Orduna: An unforgettable year at Cranfield
Zoe Nimmo2024-07-29T17:17:38+01:0029/07/2024|Tags: aerospace dynamics, aerospace engineer, Farnborough air show, RIAT|
As I am closer to the end of my stay at Cranfield, it is incredible to look back and see the growth, both academically and personally. It is unbelievable how fast this year has gone, ...
On-demand webinar – Future of flight: hydrogen in civil aviation
Antonia Molloy2024-07-29T14:50:59+01:0029/07/2024|Tags: aerospace, aviation, commercial aviation, fuel, future of flight, hydrogen, hydrogen aircraft, manufacturing and materials, SAF, sustainable aviation, transport systems|
On Tuesday 16 July 2024, we hosted a webinar on the theme of hydrogen in civil aviation. Hydrogen harbours huge potential for the aviation industry, with the scope to achieve global decarbonisation targets and ...
3D Metal Manufacturing in space: A look into the future
Mike Anderson2024-07-26T14:18:46+01:0026/07/2024|
David Rico Sierra, Research Fellow in Additive Manufacturing, was recently involved in an exciting project to manufacture parts using 3D printers in space. Here he reflects on his time working with Airbus in Toulouse… ...
Bringing the vision of advanced air mobility closer to reality
Sophie Northall2024-07-23T09:51:56+01:0023/07/2024|
Experts at Cranfield University led by Professor Antonios Tsourdos, Head of the Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems Centre, are part of the Air Mobility Ecosystem Consortium (AMEC), which aims to demonstrate the commercial and operational ...