Real-World Readiness in Propulsion Engineering: Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc
Violeta da Rold2024-12-03T10:53:14+00:0003/12/2024|aerospace | aviation | environment | propulsion engineering | thermal power|
In our recent conversation with Dr. Uyioghosa Igie, Programme Director for the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc , we delved into what makes the course an exciting path for students interested in gas ...
Inside the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc with Dr Uyioghosa Igie
Violeta da Rold2024-11-20T17:13:22+00:0020/11/2024|aerospace | aviation | engineering | environment | propulsion|
In our recent conversation with Dr. Uyioghosa Igie, Programme Director for the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc at Cranfield University, we uncovered what makes this course such an exciting and valuable path for ...
A Global Perspective: My Cranfield experience in air transport management
Poonam Maini2024-11-12T09:50:00+00:0011/11/2024|air transport management | aviation | india|
Hello, I’m Sudheshna Satya Prakash, an Indian student studying an MSc in Air Transport Management. After meeting Dame Karen Holford, the Chief Executive and Vice-Chancellor of Cranfield in India, my family ...
Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control (AVDC) MSc alumnus Johannes Autenrieb on his exciting career in aerospace
Antonia Molloy2024-11-12T10:39:12+00:0005/11/2024|aerospace | aerospace dynamics | aerospace industry | aerospace vehicle design | autonomous vehicles | drone technology | drones|
Johannes Autenrieb is a Research Scientist at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He graduated from Cranfield University with an MSc in Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control (AVDC). Here, Johannes reflects upon ...
My Journey in Aerospace: From Taiwan to Cranfield
Poonam Maini2025-03-06T15:38:02+00:0019/09/2024|Aerospace Computational Engineering | computational fluid dynamics | East Asia | public engagement | Taiwan|
Meet Mei-Ying Teng, a recent Aerospace Computational Engineering MSc graduate. Originally from Taiwan, Mei’s passion for aerospace research led her to choose Cranfield for its unique focus in the field. Hi ...
Cranfield student becomes flight engineer for new plane debut at Cranfield Airport
Mike Anderson2024-09-11T12:01:08+01:0009/09/2024|
Being part of the first flight of a new aircraft is exciting, but having the chance to play an instrumental role as a student is a unique opportunity. Well, Cranfield student, Arun Mony Damodaran ...