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Homepage / Take the blindspots out of your decision-making!

Take the blindspots out of your decision-making!



One of the modules I teach at Cranfield University’s Executive MSc in Managing Organisational Performance is about improving organisational decisions, in particular those relating to measuring and managing performance.

There is a great need in corporations to find out how to improve decision-making, and know how to actually implement the small but often critical steps it takes to remove decision blindspots that can cost a company and its shareholders dearly.

Don’t take my word for it: Researchers have meticulously documented the cost of making strategic decisions based on delusion and deception – in other words, by mismanaging information strategically and by manipulating the decision-making process in unhelpful ways, and estimate that performance as a result stagnates at about 50% below forcast.*

In a recent article for Think: Cranfield, I have summarised six ways to replace opinion with evidence-based insight when making importance performance decisions:

Read the article here.

Not enough time? Then watch this 60 second video – an even shorter way to help you debias managerial decisions.

Enjoy. And let me have your comments below.

Jutta Tobias

* Bent Flyvbjerg, Massimo Garbuio and Dan Lovallo (2009). “Delusion and Deception in Large Infrastructure Projects: Two Models for Explaining and Preventing Executive Disaster.” California Management Review, vol. 51, no. 2, Winter 2009, pp. 170-193.

Dr Jutta Tobias

Written By: Cranfield University

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